26. Aug 02

start end name (affiliation) title length discussion
Tues AM
Session: Heavy Baryons ( & Other) Chair: Tom Mattison (U British Columbia)

08:30 08:50 Welcome Opening Remarks: Alan Shotter, TRIUMF Director, Kalman and McKenna 20 0
08:50 09:30 Aneesh Manohar (UC San Diego) Opening Overview: An Outlook on Charm, Beauty and Hyperons (pdf) 40 5
09:35 09:55 Calvin Kalman (Concordia U) Bound State Corrections to Semileptonic Decays rates of heavy baryons (ppt) 20 5
10:00 10:30 Peter Cooper (FNAL) Heavy Baryons- Recent and Very New Results, Doubly Charmed Baryons? (pdf) 30 5
10:35 11:00 coffee
25 0
11:00 11:15 Ilya Narodetskii (ITEP Moscow) Heavy Baryons in the non-perturbative string approach 15 3
11:18 11:28 Lisa Berntzon (U Stockholm) Production of Xi_c and Xi_b in Z0 decays in the DELPHI detector at LEP (ps) 10 2
11:30 11:50 Karel Safarik (CERN) Hyperon and Charm Production in CERN Heavy Ion Experiments 20 5
11:55 12:10 Todd Pedlar (Ohio State U) CLEO-c: A New Frontier in our Understanding of Weak and Strong Interactions (ppt) 15 3
12:13 13:45 lunch
92 0
Tues PM
Session: Heavy Quark Physics at Z Pole and Beyond Chair: Calvin Kalman (Concordia U)

13:45 14:00 Wolfgang Liebig (U Wuppertal) Precision Measurements of the B F-B asymmetry at the Z Pole at LEP (ps) 15 3
14:03 14:23 Nicolo de Groot (Rutherford Appleton Lab) Results on Z0 Couplings to Heavy Quarks at SLD (pdf) 20 5
14:28 14:43 Thomas Moore (U Massachusetts) Search for Bs-Bs-bar Oscillations at SLD (pdf) 15 3
14:46 15:11 Fabrizio Parodi (U Genoa and INFN Genoa) B_s Oscillations at LEP and SLD (pdf) 25 5
15:16 15:31 David Waller (Carleton U) Semileptonic branching ratio of b-hadrons and charm counting at LEP (ppt) 15 3
15:34 16:00 coffee
26 0
16:00 16:15 Igor Vorobiev (Carnegie Mellon U) Heavy Quark production in e+e- annihilation above the Z Pole (pdf) 15 3
16:18 16:38 Randall Sobie (U Victoria) Tau Physics at LEP (pdf) 20 5
16:43 16:53 Oana Boeriu (Freiberg U) Measurement of four fermion production at OPAL (ps) 10 2
16:55 17:15 Andre Holzner (ETH Zurich) Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson at LEP (pdf) 20 5
17:20 17:40 Barbara Clerbaux (U Libre Bruxelles) Searches for SUSY Particles at LEP 20 5

18:15 20:00 OPENING RECEPTION at Sage Bistro

Welcome address: UBC Vice-President of Research

Prof Indira Samarasekera

Wed AM
Session:The B Factories and CP violation Chair: Svjetlana Fajfer (Inst J Stephan & U Ljubljana)

08:30 08:50 Leo Piilonen (Virginia Tech) Measurements of Vub and B Bbar mixing in BELLE and BaBar (pdf) 20 5
08:55 09:15 Daniel Marlow (Princeton U) sin 2 phi_1 Measurements from BELLE and BaBar (pdf) 20 5
09:20 09:40 Masahiro Morii (Harvard U) SIn 2 alpha measurements form BELLE and BaBar (pdf) 20 5
09:45 10:00 Alakabha Datta (U Montreal) Measuring alpha from B-> K* Kbar* decays 15 3
10:03 10:18 Xiao-Gang He (National Taiwan U) Determination of CP Violating Phase and Prediction of Asymmetries in B-> PP 15 3
10:21 10:46 coffee
25 0
10:46 11:06 Benjamin Brau (MIT) Rare B Decays (pdf) 20 5
11:11 11:31 Todd Pedlar (Ohio State U) CLEO Results in B and D decays (ppt) 20 5
11:36 11:51 Chao-Qiang Geng (National Tsinghua U & TRIUMF) T Violation in Lambda_b -> Lamba l+ l- Decays 15 3
11:54 12:09 Darwin Chang (Tsinghua National U) Neutrino Mixing and Large CP Violation in B decays 15 3
12:12 12:27 Chao-Shang Huang (ITP, Academica Sinica) Search for New Physics in B_d,s -> l+ l- Decays 15 3
12:30 13:45 lunch
75 0
Wed PM
Session: b and c decays, CKM elements Chair: John Ng (TRIUMF)

13:45 14:15 Michael Luke (U Toronto) Determination of Vub: Theoretical Issues 30 5
14:20 14:35 Robert Kowalewski (U VIctoria) Observables for Determination of V_ub in Inclusive Semileptonic B decays (pdf) 15 3
14:38 14:58 Jon Urheim (U Minnesota) CLEO Results on B -> X_s gamma, |V_{cb}|, and |V_{ub}| (pdf) 20 5
15:03 15:18 Changhao Jin (U Melbourne) V_cb and V_ub Determinations (ppt) (pdf) 15 3
15:21 15:45 coffee
24 0
15:45 16:05 Svetlana Fajfer (Inst J Stephan, U Ljubljana) Rare Decays of D Mesons (ppt) 20 5
16:10 16:35 Gudrun Hiller (SLAC) Physics Reach of Rare B Decays (ps) 25 5
16:40 16:55 Miguel Sanchis (Valencia U) Searching for new physics in leptonic decays of bottomonium (ps) 15 3
16:58 17:18 Christian Bauer ( U C San Diego) Reducing Theoretical Uncertainties in m_b and Lambda_1 (pdf) 20 5
17:23 17:38 Victor Elias (U Western Ontario) Renormalization-mass scale dependence in QCD contributions to SL b->u decay 15 3
17:41 17:56 Farrukh Chishtie (Cornell U) Renormaliziong Group/Pade Improvement of inclusive SL B decays 15 3
17:59 18:14 Sergio Ratti (U Pavia and INFN Pavia) New Results on charmed baryon Decays in FOCUS (ppt) 15 3
18:17 18:42 Anne Ealet (CPP Marseille) WW Cross-section and V_cs (ppt) 25 5

Thurs AM
Session: Hadronic HQ decays, EFTs, quarkonia Chair: Zoltan Ligeti (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)

08:30 08:55 Susan Gardner (U Kentucky) Intrinsic Charm in B meson Decays (pdf) 25 5
09:00 09:15 Adam Leibovich (Fermilab) Radiative Upsilon decay at the endpoint (ps) 15 3
09:18 09:33 Patrick O'Donnell (U Toronto) Light Mesons from Heavy B and Hyperon Decays (pdf) 15 3
09:36 09:51 Pietro Colangelo (INFN Bari) Three body B decays to charm (pdf) 15 3
09:54 10:09 Antonio Vairo (CERN) Inclusive and electromagnetic quarkonium decays (ps) 15 3
10:12 10:38 coffee
26 0
10:38 10:58 Harry Lipkin (Weizmann Inst) Puzzles in Hyperon, Charm and Beauty Physics 20 5
11:03 11:28 Iain Stewart (U Washington) Factorization and Effective Field Theory (pdf) 25 5
11:33 11:48 Antonio Pineda (U Barcelona) Effective Field Theories for non-perturbative heavy quarkonium 15 3
11:51 12:06 Nora Brambilla (U Milano) Highlights in Nonrelativistic effective field theories for heavy quarkonium 15 3
12:09 12:29 Eric Vaandering (Vanderbilt U) Recent Lifetime results from FOCUS (pdf) 20 5
12:34 12:49 Angel Lopez (U Puerto Rico at Mayaguez) New FOCUS Charm Semileptonic Decay Results (pdf) 15 3
12:52 13:07 Davronbek Matrasulov (U Alberta) Mass Spectra of heavy quark in a relativistic approach 15 3

14:00 19:30 Mountains and Sea Excursion -

- bus leaves Gage Towers, & Sands

Fri AM
Session: Charmonium, charm production and decay Chair: Marco Bozzo (U Genova and INFN Genova)

08:30 08:50 Kouji Narita (Nagoya U) Study of charm production in neutrino interactions 20 5
08:55 09:15 Riccardo Brugnera (U Padova and INFN Padova) Inelastic production of J/Psi and Psi' at HERA (pdf) 20 5
09:20 09:40 Ralf Gerhards (DESY) Charm and Beauty Production in e+e- scattering at HERA (pdf) 20 5
09:45 10:05 Maaijke Mevius (Utrecht U) First results from HERAB on charmonium & b quark production in pN collisions (ps) 20 5
10:10 10:25 Maurizio Iori (U Roma and INFN Roma) Production properties of D0 D+- D* and D_S with sigma- and pi- beams (ps) 15 3
10:28 10:47 coffee
19 0
10:47 11:02 Kuang-Ta Chao (Beijing U) Charmonium production in e+e- Experiments 15 3
11:05 11:25 Thomas Mehen (Duke U) Heavy Quark Recombination and Charm Production Asymmetries 20 5
11:30 11:45 Yucan Zhu (Inst HEP Beijing) Recent Results from BES-II 15 3
11:48 11:58 Paulo Rumerio (Northwestern U) Explicit Reaction ppbar-> chi0(3415) -> pi0 pi0 and eta eta (ps) 10 2
12:00 13:15 lunch
75 0
Fri PM
Session: Physics at Hadron Colliders Chair: Miguel Sanchis (U Valencia)

13:15 13:35 Jack Cranshaw (Texas Tech U) B Physics at the TeVatron (ppt) 20 5
13:40 14:00 Stephen Miller (U Michigan) CDF Status and Prospects (ppt) (pdf) 20 5
14:05 14:25 Rick Jesik (Imperial College) B Physics at DZero in Run II (ppt) 20 5
14:30 14:50 Roger Moore (MIchigan State U) Search for New Phenomena at the TeVatron (ppt) (pdf) 20 5
14:55 15:20 Maria Smizanska (Lancaster U) Beauty Physics Program at General Purpose LHC expts: ATLAS and CMS (ppt) 25 5
15:25 15:45 coffee
20 0
15:45 16:00 Armin Nairz (U Innsbruck) Search for Bs Oscillations with ATLAS (pdf) 15 3
16:03 16:18 Gabriele Segneri (U Pisa and INFN Pisa) Bs-bar Bs oscillations with CMS (ps) 15 3
16:21 16:31 Riccardo Ranieri (U FIrenze and INFN Firenze) Study of channel B_s-> J/Psi phi at CMS (pdf) 10 2
16:33 16:43 Fairouz Ohlsson-Malek (CRNS/IN2P3 Grenoble U) Observation potential of B_S/d -> J/Psi eta in the ATLAS expt at LHC 10 2
16:45 17:05 Ziad Ajaltouni (U Blaise Pascal) Physics Programme and status of the detector for LHCB (pdf) 20 5
17:10 17:25 Penelope Kasper (Fermilab) Physics Reach of BTeV 15 3
17:28 17:43 Thomas Speer ( U Zurich) The ATLAS and CMS trackers and their optimization (pdf) 15 3
17:46 18:01 Simon Kwan (Fermilab) The BTeV PIxel Detector and Trigger System (ppt) 15 3

18:30 22:00 BANQUET at the Museum of Anthropology

Sat AM
Session: Hyperon and Kaon Physics Chair: Janis McKenna (U British Columbia)

08:30 08:55 Emmanuel Monnier (CPP Marseille and U Chicago) Review of Hyperon Physics at KTEV and summary of recent kaon results (ppt) 25 5
09:00 09:20 Piotr Zenczykowski (INP Krakow) Weak Radiative Hyperon Decays (ps) 20 5
09:25 09:40 Piotr Zyla (Lawrence Berkeley NL) Search for CP violation in hyperon decays (pdf) 15 3
09:43 09:58 Nickolas Solomey (Illinois Inst of Tech) Omega- Hyperon Decays at FNAL E-871 (ps) 15 3
10:01 10:16 David Munday (Cambridge U) Rare Hyperon Decays in the CERN NA48 Experiment 15 3
10:19 10:34 Earl Swallow (Elmhurst College and U Chicago) Hyperon Beta Decay: A Contemporary Review (pdf) 15 3
10:37 10:56 coffee
19 0
10:56 11:21 Marco Sozzi (Suola Normale Superiore - Pisa) Recent Results from the NA48 Experiment (pdf) 25 5
11:26 11:46 Paolo Branchini (INFN & U Roma) Results on Phi Decay from the KLOE Experiment (ppt) 20 5
11:51 12:06 Hogan Nguyen (Fermilab) The CKM Experiment (pdf) 15 3
12:09 12:24 Toshio Numao (TRIUMF) Status of K-> pi nu nubar Decay Experiments 15 3
12:27 13:12 Jonathan Rosner (U Chicago) CONFERENCE SUMMARY TALK 45 5

TOTALS (minutes)
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TOTALS -talks only, no coffee, discussion or lunch breaks